About two weeks ago, I was at Nerdbooks (check them out at http://www.nerdbooks.com) and I bought a couple of great books; The Art of Debugging and Programming Ruby.

The Art of Debugging by Matloff and Salzman from Nostarch Press. I picked this up off the shelf and found a couple of things I didn't know about using gdb inside a minute so I went ahead and got it. The plan is to have it around for those late-night sessions when using gdb on some weird version of Unix (like, say, AIX) is keeping me at the office. Its also proven a good book to share with the team..

The other book is Programming Ruby by Dave Thomas from Pragmatic Bookshelf and it is gathering dust. I only got this because I may have to work with some Ruby programmers at the office and I want to find out more about the language. It seemed like a good idea at the time.. After all, Ruby rocks! Right?
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